Views and opinions

If you are easily offended or don’t like opinions, please leave the site now

The opinions here are expressed as a matter of conscious stream of thoughts and opinions, an dnot designed to offend / upset or irritate anyone. If you are easily offended, or upset by other people’s opinions, please go away.

Whilst I don’t ever try to offend people, I am told i have no filter and I often express my opinions, in a way that seems to offend or upset people.  That’s on them , not me.

I’m not going to sanitise my stream of consciousness here in order to pander to others sensitivity.
So – you have been warned, and I can’t put it clearer than that.

If, however you’d like to discuss ( in a calm grown up manner) what I’ve said. please let’s chat and have healthy debate.  You don’t have to agree with me, or my opinion, but don’t be rude. There’s no need for that.

I feel the need to put my opinions and thoughts out, so I’m doing it here. You don’t have to read it, but if you do – then just be nice if you have anything to say.

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