Coming home again … and again … and again

Apparently this is what children do.
I have to admit, this is not some thing I am familiar with. I never really went home. I did try to live with my Mom at the beginning of University to save funds, but when She saw I had brought a boyfriend home ( innocently) she threw all my things out on the pavement and told me to leave.

So much for motherly love.
I might get rather mad with my kids, but I’ve always offered a place for them to come back to.  Not that they want to, because they hate my ‘rules’ ….

Actually, they are not ‘rules’ they are considerations everyone needs to make to live communally – but my kids don’t get that.
There’s a difference between living in a flat-share and living in a family.
Usually in a family you do things together, and eat together and you cook for everyone at one time. 
In a flat-share, you live together, but do everything for yourself, and make your own food, and don’t include anyone else in your decisions.  In a family you do include people in your decisions.

My kids have got used to flat sharing, and forgot how to live in a family. The one has gone completely selfish – last weekend they both went down and made breakfast for themselves and didn’t bother to ask us if we wanted.

Then they didn’t clean up after themselves cos in their flat share they clean when they feel like it (once a week sometimes – YUCK).
So who the fuck cares if other people need to eat and cook on clean stuff? Not their problem. They have eaten and are happy.

Yes, selfish doesn’t begin to describe it  –  I’ve never seen anything like it. And I don’t like it.

What i don’t understand, is I didn’t bring them up this way!! But that doesn’t seem to make a jot of difference.